The simple guide to sanctioning and turning in your meet results

  1. You want to run a meet? Great. Pick a day, coordinate with your club or launch site, etc.

  2. At least 30 days before your meet, grab a Sanction Form, fill it out with your events and info, and send it to your Regional Contest Board Chair. If you're in the Pacific Region (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA), email me the form to , there is no sanction fee. Other regions, ask your chair.

  3. I'll get back to as quickly as I can with an Sanction Number or with any problems in your meet, which we'll work out correctly.

  4. Your meet will show up here automatically. You should also register it at the NAR site for added publicity.

  5. In addition to a copy of the pinkbook and the allowed motor list, you'll want to bring the following:
    1. One Point Award Sheet, important for the 3-member contest jury to sign.

    2. Some contest entry forms, one per contestant. Bring extras!

    3. A bunch of flight cards, one per event per contestant. Bring extras!

  6. Fly the meet! Lots of good advice in the Contest Director's Guide.

  7. After the meet is over, you have a few options for turning results in:
    • Use Contest Manager to record all contestants and flights. Scan the (empty except for signatures and meet name) Point Award Sheet and CB-170s and email everything to me.

    • Work through the results yourself, scan everything and send it to me.

    • Work through the results yourself, make a photocopy of everything and send it to me.

    I'll be in touch soon to confirm receipt and ask any questions about your meet. I'll send in your results and they'll show up on the official NAR website points listing.